Erma Henderson Park
Henderson Park and Marina is nestled between the historic Whittier Manor and the towering Jeffersonian Houze Apartment complex located at 8800 E. Jefferson. The park takes its name after Erma Henderson, who was the first Black woman to serve on the City Council. As a distinguished social servant, Henderson uplifted the people of the community she served in 16 years of service; 12 of which as council president.
What’s cool about Henderson Park is that, in addition to the usual park amenities like basketball courts, a playground, and football/soccer field, a Marina sits right next door. Following along the tranquil walking path set in symmetrical harmony, one will be led to the water’s edges where gatherings of fisherfolk and waterfowls alike attempt to snag a meal.
I was able to speak with Butch and Eddie, the human sort of fisher’s perched at the dock about their experiences with the park.
“We’ve been coming here over the last 20 years off and on with our families, but now we come here because it’s one of the last areas the city will allow us to fish on the river at,” they told me.“We pay our taxes to the City of Detroit; we should be able to fish all along here {gesturing his rod over the river}.”
Littering was also an issue I noticed, remember to throw away your trash in the proper area to keep the wildlife and humans thriving!

The Parks Report is part of a Planet Detroit series that focuses on a new Detroit park each week. Follow Zaire’s journey on Instagram @planetdetroitnews for more!