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Clark Park

Clark Park, located at 1130 Clark Ave in southwest Detroit, sits next to Western International High School and Maybury Elementary. The park is a sprawling landscape featuring a canopy of trees to shade park visitors. The park includes multiple picnic pavilions, 2 playground areas, baseball/softball diamond, paved walking course, pull-up bars, tennis courts, and a regulation-sized outdoor ice hockey rink for the winter. 

Clark Park is a collaboration between the City of Detroit  and the non-profit Clark Park Coalition who formed in 1991 when the city faced a financial crisis. Over the years, both organizations work together to ensure that residents in the community have a gathering space that provides great programming for its residents. Clark park hosts events and festivals all year round and is home to one of the most diverse populations in Detroit.

Today in the park I met Daia Morales and Crystal Soratos who were enjoying the afternoon in the park as their children played. Crystal told me that she had gone to school in the area and grew up going to this park as a child and is excited that she can bring her kids here. Both caregivers expressed that their kids have learning disabilities and that Clark Park is an inclusive environment that’s a clean and safe place for them to bring their children.

The Parks Report is a series that focuses on a new Detroit park each week. Follow Zaire’s journey on Instagram @planetdetroitnews for more!

Zaïré Talon Daniels is a Detroit-based freelance writer and photographer. Previously, he reported for The Devil Strip, a cooperative newsroom based in Akron, Ohio. He received his bachelor of arts in Multidisciplinary Studies with an emphasis in Anthropology, Photography, and Art History. He is passionate about exploring sustainable lifestyle, Brazilian Jujitsu, and arts and culture from around the world.Follow him on Instagram @theartofzaire