Restorying Agency is a self-guided tour that invites us to visit sites of reconnection between us and metro Detroit ecologies. The metro Detroit region bears the scars of colonization, industrialism, racism, and capitalism — all of which require exploitation, a sense of separateness, and a way of thinking that sees the earth and other people as material resources.
Restorying Agency invites us to connect with life here as it is: interconnected, relational, sacred, scarred, and alive through the development of site-specific art and writing by local creators and journalists.
The perspectives of these creators open up new ways to imagine being here, with each other. Restorying Agency will launch one new site-specific project each week, which you are invited to visit. Check it out online and also spend time at the project locations. Projects include art installations, sound walks, interviews, and meditations.
Participating artists and writers include Halima Afi Cassells, Shanna Merola, Billy Mark, Palace Abrams, Molly Leebove, Owólabi Aboyade, Giizhigad, Courtney Wise Randolph, and Bridget Quinn. Together we will hear trees speak, honor the traditions of Wahnabezee, visit an emergent garden that provides beyond capitalist relations, breathe with stone ancestors at the foot of the incinerator, consider how to practice interconnection within our daily lives and more.
October 1st: Reunioning on Wahnabezee (Belle Isle)
by Halima Afi Cassells and Shanna Merola
October 8th: Sermon of Trees in Piety Hill
by Billy Mark
October 15: Palace’s Garden on a traffic median on Detroit’s East side
By Palace Abrams
October 22nd: Dependent Origination along Woodward Ave.
By Molly Leebove
October 29th: A Celebration of Fresh Air at the Detroit Incinerator
By Owólabi Aboyade, Giizhigad, Bridget Quinn
More locations in collaboration with journalist Courtney Wise Randolph will be announced soon!